About Us

Napa Valley Hospice & Adult Day Services offers two comprehensive health care programs to residents of Napa County.

Both programs attend to the whole person and offer family support services through interdisciplinary models of care.

Hospice Care

Hospice provides end-of-life care when curative medical care is no longer a choice or an option.

The goal of hospice is to impart specialized end-of-life services in a supportive and dignified environment, in order to allow the patient and family to experience the highest quality of life possible, for as long as possible.

Hospice services focus on comfort and symptom alleviation provided by professionals in medical care, social work and spiritual support, as well as by trained volunteers.

We offer bereavement support services to all community members who have experienced loss of a loved one.

Adult Day Services

Our adult day programs provide comprehensive services to adults with chronic health issues.

Three ongoing programs are provided, Monday through Friday: Adult Day Health Care, Adult Day Social Program, and the Alzheimer’s Family Resource Center.

Services are affordable, individualized and collaborative.

Caregiver support groups and training programs are available to family caregivers of those with dementia and other chronic illnesses and disabilities.

Community Programs

We offer trainings and support groups for professionals, caregivers, volunteers, and other interested individuals.

Please check our current community programming if you are experiencing loss and grief, need information and training for your caregiving role, or want more education or training for the professional or volunteer work.

Licensing and Accreditation

Our agency is known for high quality programs and a high standard of care.

We are a community-based, nonprofit 501 (c)(3) public benefit corporation, a Medicare-certified, and licensed Medi-Cal organization.

Our Hospice Program is licensed by the State of California as a hospice.

Our Adult Day Services program is licensed through the California Department of Health.